Free Health Check

Our consultants are offering current customers a free remote half hour health check to ensure you are gaining the most from your Legislation Update Service subscription

This free remote 30 min health check will look at how your organisation is using the Legislation Update Service to ensure you’re getting maximum value from the system and fulfilling your legal and management systems compliance requirements. The free session could cover one of the following:  

  • A review of your environmental or H&S legal registers to check relevant legislation is included
  • A demonstration on how to audit compliance
  • A review of your aspects register
  • A review of your risks & opportunities and register
  • A review of your objectives register and action plans
  • A review of your risk assessments or a demonstration of how our risk assessment tool can help you
  • Legal update review and how to evidence changes to your auditor
  • A review of compliance actions and progress against legal noncompliance’s
  • Help identify potential opportunities for improvement

This free service is valid for one session per organisation and your subscription must be current. Contact us now to arrange your call.

For more in depth assistance, take a look at our remote consultancy support.