Remote Consultant Support

Remote support for managing your compliance obligations from our respected consultancy team

Would you like your legal register reviewed by an expert? Do you want support in setting up your aspects register? Or maybe a review and update of your OH&S risk assessments?

These are just some of the ways our consultants can assist you with our remote consultancy support.  We are offering 2 hours of remote support to help you manage your environment, health & safety legal and management system compliance obligations for just £200+VAT.

Our support is aimed at enabling you to get the most out of your Legislation Update Service subscription and better use of its functionality and tools and could cover one of the following:

  • Review and fine tune of either your environment or H&S legal register
  • Review of your aspects register or coaching on how to build one specific to your organisation
  • Review of existing risk assessments or coaching on how to use the risk assessment tool to record your risk assessments
  • Guidance on how to assess new legislation for relevance and how to update your legal register accordingly
  • Review of your risks and opportunities register or coaching on how to build one specific to your organisation
  • Review of your objectives register and action plans or coaching on how to build them within the system
  • Remote desktop audit of part of your environment or H&S legal register (exclusions apply)
  • Guidance on how your organisation can utilise its subscription to support meeting management systems requirements
  • General assistance with any of the functionality or tools within the Legislation Update Service

Access to the above requires a valid subscription to the Legislation Update Service.

A recent review of the service from Howells Railway Products Ltd

“We identified that solvent use within the business needed further investigation to establish if we required an environmental permit.

We put the problem to the consultant, and we received an answer and clear extraction of the legislation which explained why we didn’t need a permit at this point.  We now have a clear understanding of the legislation, and through regular monitoring can ensure we remain within the law.

The work carried out was clear, concise and worth every penny, and has saved the business time and money.”