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The Community Gym Halifax
The Compliance People donates all profits to its charity, Newground Together, which works to provide better lives and opportunities for the people living in our communities.
This month we visit another one of The Compliance People’s success stories The Halifax Boxing, Sports and Fitness Club.
Applying for funding back in 2017 they greatly needed to employ a Community Development Officer in order to drive the club further forward, being tasked to get much more of the community involved, as well as developing new services.
Promoting a range of well being services, activities for children and young people with additional needs, our charity Newground Together contributed almost £20,000 and some 36% towards the budget.
Being a part of The Compliance People family means instead of our profits going to shareholders they instead support projects such as this and I hope you are as proud as us when we are able to help communities in this way.
MP for Halifax Holly Lynch says “The club is located at the heart of a close knit community, but one which has its challenges, with poor health and low employment being two particular concerns. The improved facilities at the club enable young people and adults in the area to participate in a health and fitness environment,”
Our charity Newground Together continues in its stake in providing support, referring groups and young people with difficulties to take part in activities and bettering lives as a result!
At The Compliance People we get a real buzz out of seeing how your subscriptions are making such a big difference to supporting our communities, and from the Halifax Boxing Sports and Fitness Club a big thank you to you for making that difference!