Coronavirus Latest News

Check here regularly for updates to environment and health & safety legislation related to Coronavirus (COVID-19)

The Coronavirus Act 2020

The Act allows the 4 UK governments to switch on and off new powers based on the advice of their Chief Medical Officers. The measures in the Coronavirus Act are temporary, proportionate to the threat faced, and will only be used when strictly necessary.

The Act does not create duties relevant to management of health, safety and environmental matters but triggers powers of health officials, police constables and immigration officers to detain potentially infectious people, and to request information about an infectious person’s recent contacts. These powers may be of interest to organisations and are summarised here.

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Changes to Environmental Regulations

In response to the disruption caused by Coronavirus, environmental regulators across the UK are adapting the way they regulate businesses. With most frontline staff now working from home and only occasionally visiting sites, normal regulatory requirements have been largely relaxed in an effort to avoid increasing risks to the environment or human health. To find out more, click here

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