
Updates for assimilated legislation in LUS

Following last month’s update, we have now made changes in LUS to indicate which legislation originating from the EU has been assimilated into United Kingdom or Great Britain law at the end of 2023. Registers remain unchanged, your register will still contain the same entries as it did before retained EU law was assimilated.

To make it clear whether you are viewing the UK/GB entry or the EU entry for regulations originating from the EU we have updated titles and references for assimilated legislation, as in the example below:

UK/GB Assimilated Version EU Version
Title Assimilated Regulation 1013/2006 on shipments of waste Regulation (EC) 1013/2006 on shipments of waste
Reference AR 1013/2006 EU 1013/2006


As before, the ‘Link to full text’ for UK/GB entries will take you to legislation.gov.uk and for EU entries to eur-lex.europa.eu. You can use the ‘Link to version’ button at the top of an entry to switch between the assimilated and EU entries for legislation which originates from the EU, as shown below:

lus assimilated law change

N.B. Whilst some assimilated laws apply to the whole of the UK, some only apply in Great Britain, with Northern Ireland still using the EU version, this can be identified by the jurisdictions listed on LUS.

If you have any questions around the changes, please get in touch and we’ll be happy to help.