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Requirements to comply with Classification Labelling Packaging Regulations are approaching
Requirements to comply with the Classification Labelling Packaging Regulations are approaching.
An industrial obligation was introduced in 2017 by Regulation (EU) No. 2017/542, requiring importers and downstream users who place hazardous mixtures on the market to submit notifications with certain product details such as: trade name, product category, composition, colour, packaging and toxicological information, as well as the Unique Formula Identifier (UFI).
The UFI is an alphanumeric code consisting of 16 letters and digits, and marking has to be clearly visible and legible on the label. UFI’s can be easily created via the UFI Generator Tool of the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA). The UFI and other information will be used by poison centres in the event of an emergency call.
If a mixture placed on the market consists of a mixture in mixture (mixing two or more formulator’s specifications), the UFI can be safely used providing that the UFI is already known to poison centres. However, a new UFI code may need to be generated if a change in the mixture composition occurs. You will need to ensure all changes are monitored and if any changes are made, it will be your duty to create a new UFI and inform poison centres.
The new requirements will apply from:
- 1st January 2020 for mixtures for consumer use;
- 1st January 2021 for mixtures for professional use; and
- 1st January 2024 for mixtures for industrial use.
Importers and downstream users placing hazardous mixtures on the market should start preparing for the implementation of the next submission procedure and for the use of UFI on product labels.
More information can be found via the amendments section in the LUS entry