
Got a question about using LUS? Our new site is here to help!

We’ve completely refreshed our help site to make it easier to use. The new site is now live! Here you’ll find instant answers to all your system queries.

There’s a topic area for each register, as well as some additional areas of interest. If you’d like to learn how to use a particular part of the system, all you need to do is click into your desired topic and work your way down the relevant articles that will be listed on the left.

Not sure where your query could be located? Type keywords in the search bar on the homepage and you’ll see suggested articles.

We’ve also got a range of training webinars and videos, both live and pre-recorded, that you can access in our resources section. Keep an eye here for new additions to assist with your compliance needs.

You can access the help site at any time using the Quick Links section of your dashboard, or the icon at the top of every page on LUS.helps site button

helpsite button