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The Plant Health Order (Northern Ireland) 2018
Commencement: 1st November 2018
This Order contains measures to prevent the introduction and spread of harmful plant pests and disease in Northern Ireland.
It consolidates and replaces the Plant Health Order (Northern Ireland) 2006 and implements Council Directive 2000/29/EC on protective measures against the introduction into the Community of organisms harmful to plants or plant products and against their spread within the Community (The Plant Health Directive).
The Plant Health Directive sets out the plant health regime in the European Union. It contains measures to be taken in order to prevent the introduction into, and spread within, the EU of serious pests and diseases of plants and plant produce.
The Order details the following:
€¢ Imports from third countries;
€¢ Internal EU control on movement;
€¢ Registration of plant traders and authority to issue plant passports;
€¢ Measures to control the landing of relevant material and prevent the spread of plant pests;
€¢ Certain solanaceous species (potatoes and tomatoes);
€¢ Licences; and
€¢ Offences.
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