
Decision (EU) 2019/1766 amending Implementing Decision (EU) 2019/436 as regards harmonised standard EN ISO 19085-3:2017 for numerically controlled boring and routing machines

Jurisdiction: EU 24th October 2019

Commencement: 24th October 2019

Amends: Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC supported by 2019/436 on the harmonised standards for machinery

Mini Summary

This Regulation adds the international standard ISO 19085-3:2017 to the list of harmonised standards for machinery drafted in support of the Machinery Directive.


An amendment is made to Annex II of Decision 2019/436 on the harmonised standards for machinery, which lists harmonised standards for machinery drafted in support of the Machinery Directive. The international standard ISO 19085-3:2017 is added to Annex II, which provides safety requirements for specific types of woodworking machines. [December 2019]

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