Multi-Site Accounts

Our multi-site account add-on is ideal for your organisation if each site needs to demonstrate their own legal compliance, are audited separately, or if you need to centrally monitor the performance of different sites.

Need a better way to manage multi-sites in LUS?

Having a multi-site account is a great way to clearly demonstrate your legal compliance if you operate across multiple sites and locations throughout the UK.

This can help you benchmark compliance across locations and identify those sites which perform well in addition to those that need more focused attention.

Each site includes the same features and benefits as your current subscription, but with the additional account option each site can have a clear overview of their own compliance performance

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Psst… Need more convincing? Read about the benefits of a multi-site account below.

Multi site Account

An account built with 2 or more legal registers can be maintained independently of each other and still managed and overseen centrally.

Each site has its own:

  • environment and/or health and safety legal register;
  • environment aspects register / risk assessment tool;
  • users;
  • tailored monthly legal updates; and
  • ability to set site specific actions, compliance comments and status.

Consolidation View

An extra register (attached to a multi-site account) that enables you to pull all the data from all of your different legal registers into one easy to view location. This type of account is useful for any organisation who operates out of a head office, where they wish to see an overview of all their activities.

Department Filters

These allow you to add a list of departments specific to the site/register so that pieces of law in the legal register can be marked as relevant to certain sections. A simple example would be adding departments ‘Office, Warehouse, Distribution, Shop floor’ – you could then work through the legal register deciding which pieces of law applied to which departments, and then at the end be able to produce a list of law that applies to Shop floor, for example. They provide additional structure and filtering options to a site register, useful for particularly big or complicated registers.