Environment Legal Registers

Let us make managing your environmental compliance a breeze, LUS is our market-leading software that has been meticulously designed to support you in meeting your compliance obligations for ISO 14001.

Legal Compliance causing a headache?

Trusted By

Royal Mail Property and Facilities Solutions
Visa Europe
Yesss Electrical
Dixons Carphone
Wiggle Ltd


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    Stay compliant

    Stay up-to-date with ISO 14001 & enviornmental legislation that’s relevant to you and track compliance across multiple sites and departments.

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    Save time

    Tailored to your needs, our online environment legal registers for ISO 14001 offer a methodical, time-efficient way to manage complex compliance requirements.

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    Save money

    Our legal helpline, risk assessment and aspects tools are included as part of your subscription with no hidden costs.

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    Easy to use

    Our intuitive system updates automatically, records actions, sets reminders and review dates, providing a clear audit trail.

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    Easy to understand

    Plain English summaries of the duties and responsibilities that apply to your organisation including guidance documents and ACoPs.

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    Easy to access

    Our secure online system allows you to access your legal registers anywhere with unlimited users to confidently share information and actions across the organisation.


We identified that solvent use within the business needed further investigation to establish if we required an environmental permit. We put the problem to the consultant, and we received an answer and clear extraction of the legislation which explained why we didn’t need a permit at this point. We now have a clear understanding of the legislation, and through regular monitoring can ensure we remain within the law. The work carried out was clear, concise and worth every penny, and has saved the business time and money.

Howells Railway Products Ltd

This training helped me massively tobetter understand the aims and outcomes which underpin the aspects and impacts function in 14001 environmental management and how the register can be a vital part of our management function and operation. If you have any questions or concerns about this, then do this course. You won’t be disappointed

Stephenson Group Ltd

What sets them apart from other specialists is their partnership approach; when an audit identifies an issue, they are more than willing to work with us to find a solution.

Royal Mail