
Virtual meet the employer day

The Compliance People donates all profits to its charity, Newground Together, which works to provide better lives and opportunities for the people living in our communities.

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This month Newground Together arranged a virtual ‘Meet the Employer’ day on Microsoft Teams to support Employability Day.

With the offer of tips and advice from Stuart Smith, Recruitment Manager at Capita TVL in Darwen, it was a great opportunity for jobhunters to meet a local employer, ask questions, and for some to get used to using Microsoft Teams for the very first time!

Our charity works closely with many employers to support them with their recruitment needs for free.

Our charities Senior Employment Advisor Mark Stevenson, introduced the session by saying: “This event is to help job seekers promote themselves to employers in the area via online calling, which may become the norm for the near future.”

Feedback was extremely positive leading to at least one being invited for an interview the following week.

The session clearly helped address important recruitment queries and make the job hunting process less daunting.

Mark Stevenson added “The event was very successful and without running it, people looking for work would find it hard during these times, to promote themselves. The questions they asked were informative and I am sure it will help them in their job search.”

Stuart Smith said: “From my perspective it was good to see where candidates concerns are with interviews and assessments. Ideally we want to make the assessment process as relaxed as possible so we can assess the candidates naturally.