Do you need help understanding what hazardous waste consignment notes are and how to complete them?
Listen to one of our short and simple webinars on hazardous waste consignment notes, where Kerry Hammick, one of our experienced consultants will talk you through:
- what hazardous / special waste consignment notes are and why we need them;
- what information is required on a hazardous / special waste consignment note;
- how to correctly complete a hazardous / special waste consignment note; and
- what annual hazardous waste consignment notes / consignee returns are and how to use them.
There are three webinars available, covering the legal requirements for England and Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland.
Each webinar is accompanied with definitions of any technical terms and a comprehensive FAQ to answer all your waste transfer notes and consignment notes questions.
The webinars can be found by choosing your jurisdiction from the below list.

Select your jurisdiction:
British Airways
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It’s not just a legal register; it provides a link between managing risks and actions. It allows us to manage a complex set of requirements in one place over multiple sites.
Brita Water Filter Systems Ltd
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They were lifesavers for the certification. Our auditors are always impressed by the registers, the detail, the automatic updates.
NHS Business Services Authority
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I can’t provide enough positive feedback about the system and the support in general. It’s the best I’ve ever used.
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It’s great value for money, no more burying your head in legislative journals to see what’s changing, I can leave that to the experts now and just keep a watchful eye out for updates – a great tool and professional people.
Midland Oil Refinery Ltd
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It will save me endless amounts of time and effort and be a “one stop shop” for my requirements in improving our management system here. I have to say it really is the best thing I have ever had the privilege to review.
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The system has made something that was very time consuming to maintain and keep up-to-date into a system that supports a very busy workplace like mine; I look back on how it was managed with excel and tick boxes and would never go back to that.