Jurisdiction: England

Commencement: 24th March 2020

Amends: The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015
Mini Summary
The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 grants planning permission for a range of predominantly minor developments, subject to certain limitations and conditions. This permission is commonly known as ‘permitted development rights.’
The 2015 Order grants planning permission for a range of specific classes of development for which a planning permission application does not need to be made. A new permitted development right is added by this amendment to the 2015 Order to allow restaurants and cafes (A3 class) and pubs (A4 class) to provide a takeaway or delivery service for food. This is to facilitate the access to food supplies for all members of the public.

This right ends on 23rd March 2021.

This amendment has no direct relevance to environmental matters.

Link to full government text


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