Did you know you can expand your Legislation Update Service account through adding our multi-site and department filters option? If your organisation is too complex for a standard single site register, we have these options to help you manage your compliance obligations more efficiently.
Our multi-site option gives you separate registers with their own unique setup whilst allowing you to still manage these through one login.

You receive all the benefits of a single site account, but you only pay 50% of the costs for each site added on. From £489 plus VAT.
Department Filters
Adding departments to your register is quick and simple way for your users to filter legislation by different areas of your business.

At just £300 plus VAT per annum, it is an excellent way of further managing your compliance obligations and giving your users a clear understanding of the legislation that applies to each area/process.

For more information you can view our Helpsite page here or get in touch with us at [email protected]