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Jurisdiction: UK
Commencement: 14th October 2023
Amends: Climate Change Act 2008 (2008 ch. 27)
The Climate Change Act 2008 sets a target for the UK to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions and sets up the framework for this to be achieved. There are no direct compliance duties for organisations under this Act; however secondary legislation may be applicable.
Part 2 – The Committee on Climate Change
This establishes the Committee on Climate Change as an independent, non-departmental body to advise the Secretary of State. The Committee must make an annual report to Parliament on the progress made to meet the carbon targets and budget set in Part 1.
Part 3 – Trading schemes
Part 3 includes powers to enable the Government to introduce new trading schemes related to greenhouse gas emissions to be set up via secondary legislation.
Part 4 – Impact of, and adaptation to, climate change
The Secretary of State has a duty to carry out an assessment of the risks to the UK from the impact of climate change and provide reports every 5 years.
Part 5 – Other provisions
Other measures for the reduction of greenhouse gases are introduced, including for pilot waste reduction schemes, for regulations to be made relating to single use carrier bag charges, provisions to enable a renewable transport obligation scheme to be established under the Energy Act 2004, and for carbon emissions reduction targets to be set.
Part 6 – General supplementary provisions
This describes the territorial scope of provisions in the Act.
The Secretary of State’s response to the Committee on Climate Change (CCC) Report for 2023 must be presented to Parliament by the 31st October 2023, as required under section 36 of the Act.
A copy of the CCC’s 2023 Report to Parliament can be accessed here.
There are no duties for organisations.
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