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There is a common misconception that waste batteries can be disposed of via household tips. The Compliance People Consultant Katie Pritchard advises how organisations can dispose of waste batteries safely and in compliance with the law.
Waste produced by organisations, including waste batteries, is classed as controlled waste* and in England and Wales is regulated under:
*Controlled waste is household, industrial or commercial waste that is subject to legislative requirements.
Organisations have a duty of care to ensure that their waste is disposed of in a way that does not harm the environment or human health.
Organisations must:
*An authorised waste facility is a facility that is authorised to receive waste.
**A waste carrier is a person or organisation that transports waste.
Waste duty of care extends to batteries.
Organisations must:
Organisations must not dispose of batteries via household tips. Batteries must be collected by a registered waste carrier and taken to an authorised waste facility.
For more information on waste duty of care, have a look at our waste duty of care training.
If you need more help, why not get in touch with us? - Our professional team of consultants offer independent, periodic compliance evaluations and support for both environment and health & safety.