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Jurisdiction: UK
Commencement: 13th April 2022
Amends: The Air Navigation Order 2016
The Air Navigation Order 2016 regulates matters such as aviation safety standards and aircraft navigation which fall outside the scope of EU regulation. It revokes and replaces the Air Navigation Order 2009.
This Order is wide-ranging, covering aircraft, air crew, passengers, cargo, air traffic and aerodromes.
Part 1 deals with interpretation, and introduces Schedule 1 containing definitions used throughout the Order.
Part 2 sets out the applicability of the Order, including providing extra territorial effect in certain situations.
Part 3 deals with registration and marking of aircraft.
Part 4 deals with airworthiness of aircraft, both initially and on a continuing basis.
Part 5 sets out requirements for the operation of aircraft. This imposes specific obligations on the pilot in command of an aircraft, and sets out requirements for aircraft equipment and crew, as well as restrictions on certain types of aerial activity. There are additional requirements for public transport operations.
Part 6 deals with arrangements for aircrew, including requirements for aircrew to be licensed and how such licences are granted and maintained. Part 6 also implements Council Directive 96/29/Euratom which lays down basic safety standards for the protection of the health of workers and the general public against the dangers arising from ionizing radiation.
Part 7 deals with arrangements for air traffic services, including the licensing of air traffic controllers and flight information service officers.
Part 8 sets requirements for aerodromes and lighting, including a requirement to light objects, such as wind turbine generators, which may prove an obstacle to aircraft. Lights which dazzle or distract pilots, or which are otherwise liable to endanger aircraft, are prohibited.
Part 9 specifies which documents and records are required to be maintained and produced. This Part also requires an undertaking to keep a record of the assessed exposure of air crew to cosmic radiation for the purposes of Council Directive 96/29/Euratom, to produce that record on request to the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) and to supply a copy on request to the air crew concerned.
Part 10 sets out prohibitions in connection with aircraft, including in relation to drunkenness, smoking and acting in a disruptive manner.
Part 11 deals with revocations and saving, consequential amendments and transitional arrangements. This Part gives effect to Schedule 14 (Revocations and Savings, Consequential Amendments and Transitional Arrangements). This Order revokes The Air Navigation Order 2009 and its amendments.
Part 12 requires this Order to be reviewed from time to time by the Secretary of State.
Various duties apply.
Minor technical changes are made.
References to Regulation (EC) 216/2008 on common rules in the field of aviation are replaced by Regulation (EU) 2018/1139 on common rules in the field of civil aviation and establishing a European Union Aviation Safety Agency.
This amendment has no direct relevance to health and safety matters.
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