
Understanding The Ecodesign for Energy-Related Products and Energy Information Regulations 2021


Along with The Ecodesign for Energy-Related Products Regulations 2010 and The Energy Information Regulations 2011, these new Regulations aim to lower the environmental impacts of energy-related products by decreasing their energy-usage and carbon footprint.

Though most requirements mirror those made within previous EU Regulations, there are important changes that you must comply to.


Minimum energy performance and material efficiency requirements are increased for electric motors, electronic displays, household washing machines, washer/dyers, dishwashers, and refrigeration.

Although you may already be informed of the following changes that have occurred recently regarding energy-related products, here is a reminder:

Product marking

The UKCA marking must replace the CE marking on products, packaging and documents. You can use continue to use the CE marking in the UK until 1st January 2022 however it is recommended that you start using the UKCA marking on your products before this date.

From 1 January 2022, the UKCA marking should be used in the UK. You have the choice to place the UKCA mark onto your documents, products and packages using labels or similar until 1st January 2023.

After this date, you are expected to have the UKCA marking directly affixed to the products.

Products that are placed on the Great Britain market must include the following from 1st January 2021:

  • the UK flag;
  • English Language test; and
  • a QR code, where applicable that links to the product information on a publicly accessible website.
  • the EU flag; and
  • a QR code, where applicable that links the product information on the EPREL database.

The energy labels have been re-scaled for certain products, including light sources (from A+++-G to A-G energy rating classes).

The deadline to replace the old labels on non-light sources was 18th March 2021. The deadline to replace the old labels on light sources with the rescaled version is 1st April 2023. Manufacturers who produce light sources from 1st October 2021 are expected to use the rescaled energy labels.

The new 2021 Regulations provide changes to the legal requirements regarding energy-using products, therefore it is recommended that you assess whether these changes would apply to your organisation. It is also important to take note of deadlines for compliance.