Jurisdiction: Great Britain
Commencement: 1st January 2025
Amends: Assimilated Regulation 1418/2007 concerning the export for recovery of certain waste listed in Annex III or IIIA to Regulation (EC) 1013/2006 to certain countries to which the OECD Decision on the control of transboundary movements of wastes does not apply
Mini Summary
There are no direct duties for compliance within the UK under this Regulation. Any organisation exporting waste should follow the relevant rules given in the Annex for the destination country.
Both hazardous and non-hazardous WEEE will now be subject to the Prior Informed Consent (PIC) procedure* when being imported into or exported from Great Britain.
*The PIC procedure means that an importing party must give their consent before an exporter can export hazardous waste and certain other types of waste to them. This is in place to enhance the control that countries have over the transboundary movement of waste.
Technical changes are made to Annex 3 to remove reference to classifications of waste which are defunct.