
Home » The Hydrogen Production Revenue Support (Directions, Eligibility and Counterparty) Regulations 2023

The Hydrogen Production Revenue Support (Directions, Eligibility and Counterparty) Regulations 2023

Jurisdiction: United Kingdom

Commencement: 20th December 2023

Amends: New legislation

Mini Summary
Low carbon hydrogen producers may apply for financial support via a hydrogen production revenue support contract.

Low carbon hydrogen producers* may apply for financial support via a hydrogen production revenue support contract. N.B. Producers are only eligible if the hydrogen is produced in accordance with the UK Low Carbon Hydrogen Standard – Version 3.

*Low carbon hydrogen producers are producers of hydrogen who emit fewer greenhouse gases.

The Secretary of State may issue a notice, in accordance with regulation 3, requiring producers to comply with a later version of the UK Low Carbon Hydrogen Standard.

Low carbon hydrogen producers

Low carbon hydrogen producers must:

  • comply with the UK Low Carbon Hydrogen Standard; and
  • comply with notices issued by the Secretary of State.

Low carbon hydrogen counterparties

Low carbon hydrogen counterparties* must:

  • create a register detailing each hydrogen production revenue support contract they provide;
  • assign a unique identifier to each hydrogen production revenue support contract they provide; and
  • publish information on each hydrogen production revenue support contract they provide.

*A low carbon hydrogen counterparty is the person or organisation providing financial support to a low carbon hydrogen producer.


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