
Home » Legal » The Drivers Hours and Tachographs (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2019

The Drivers Hours and Tachographs (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2019

Jurisdiction: Norther Ireland

Commencement:   11th March 2019

Amends:   The Road Transport (Working Time) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2005


Mini Summary

The Road Transport (Working Time) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2005 concerns the organisation of the working time of persons performing mobile road transport activities. They prescribe the maximum weekly working time and maximum average weekly working time of mobile workers who, on the course of their work, drive or travel in goods or passenger vehicles which are covered by Council Regulation EC No 561/2006.


This Regulation makes a small administrative change in Regulation 3(3)(b) as it relates to article 2(2) of the AETR.

The exclusions to the application of the AETR (European Agreement Concerning The Work of Crews of vehicles Engaged in International Road Transport) are broadened to include Article 2(2)a of the AETR. This section states that international transport operations, where one or more crew members do not leave their home territory, are not in scope of the AETR. Therefore, they are also out of the working time Regulation.


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