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The Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive Scheme (Amendment) Regulations 2018 (SI 2018/610)

Commencement: 22nd May 2018

Amends: The Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive Scheme Regulations 2014

Mini summary of the 2014 Regulations

These Regulations establish a government financial incentive to promote the use of renewable heat within households. Financial support is paid quarterly, at a set rate per unit of renewable heat produced for seven years, to the owner of the heating system. Tariffs are set according to technology. The scheme is administered by the Gas and Electricity Markets Authority.


These Regulations insert Part 3A which gives domestic RHI participants the option to finance their installations through assignment of rights. Assignment of rights allows the householder to assign their rights to RHI payments to a third party that has paid for all, or part, of their renewable heating system. The household will still own the heating system.

Third parties, or investors, who wish to offer installations to households as part of an assignment of rights arrangement will be required to register with the Office Of Gas and Electricity Markets (Ofgem).

Regulation 5 is amended to introduce the requirements for heat pumps to have electricity meters installed. Regulation 14 is amended to exclude these meters from meter positioning requirements.

Regulations 36, 49 and 53 are amended to change the structure of metering and monitoring agreement payments in order to simplify the calculation of a plants initial tariff.

A new requirement is inserted which allows Ofgem to withhold metering and monitoring payments if they have reasonable grounds to suspect that specified metering and monitoring regulation requirements are not being met.

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