
Home » Legal » Planning and Development Act 2000 (Exempted Development) (No.3) Regulations

Planning and Development Act 2000 (Exempted Development) (No.3) Regulations

Jurisdiction: Republic of Ireland

Commencement: 7th October 2022

Amends: Planning and Development Regulations 2001
Mini Summary

These Planning and Development Act 2000 (Exempted Development) (No.3) Regulations were created under the Planning and Development Act 2000. The regulations deal with practical matters such as requirements for site notices, fees for applications and time limits. The regulations also cover Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) contents and exemptions.

Under the Planning and Development Regulations 2002, the scales of location maps are modified to be used in areas other than built-up areas.

Any person making a planning application should be aware of the Regulations as a failure to comply will result in a planning application being rejected. Planning permission involves applying to the relevant planning authority and ensuring that any development that is carried out complies with the terms granted in the planning permission. Any planning application should also comply with the technical requirements regarding site notices and advertisement.


Schedule 2 (Exempted Development) of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001  is amended to exempt solar panels and / or solar thermal collector installations* under Class 60 from planning permission, subject to certain conditions.

*Solar thermal collector installations are devices that generate heat by absorbing sunlight.

Solar panels and / or solar thermal collector installation under Class 61 are also exempted from planning permission, subject to certain conditions. Class 61 applies to:

  • an educational building;
  • a health centre or hospital;
  • a recreational or sports facility;
  • a place of worship;
  • a community facility or centre;
  • a library; and
  • sites operated by a statutory undertaker for the supply of gas, electricity, telecommunications services, water supplies or wastewater services.

Additional conditions and limitations are introduced for:


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