Management Systems Support
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Our experienced consultants can start at the very beginning and help you build a bespoke management system from scratch. This typically involves an initial gap analysis to assess your current status against your chosen management systems standard(s). We’ll agree a timeframe for implementation and provide practical support throughout.
We have extensive experience developing systems for single disciplines as well as integrated systems that incorporate multiple disciplines including environment, energy, health & safety, and quality. We’re proud of our track record in helping our clients successfully achieve certification to their chosen management systems standards, e.g. ISO 14001, ISO 45001, and ISO 9001.
We don’t believe in “off-the-peg” management systems; we understand that one size doesn’t fit all and the most valuable support we can provide is in helping you develop a bespoke system that you have ownership of and that meets your specific needs.
When time and resources are under pressure, it can be difficult to maintain management systems to the level you’d like. Whether you operate one or more management systems, we can provide maintenance support to ensure they remain effective.
For more established systems, we’ll undertake a full or partial system review, providing improvement recommendations and highlighting opportunities to update and streamline your system to ensure its continued suitability. We also offer regular on-site support to facilitate progress with management systems requirements.
If you’re operating several individual management systems, we can help identify areas for integration and implement necessary changes.
If you don’t have the expertise or resource to undertake internal audits, our professional consultants will act as competent internal auditors.
We are registered auditors with practical management systems knowledge and experience, capable of carrying out internal audits in line with your internal audit programme and reporting processes, taking the pressure off you and providing a fresh pair of eyes for your activities and processes.
We can also carry out pre-certification and pre-surveillance audits to give you the confidence that your system is ready to be audited by your external certification body.
Whether you’re new to the concept of environmental aspects or you want help updating an existing aspects register, we can help. Support can be provided to build an aspects register from scratch, ensuring you understand all the environmental aspects and impacts associated with your organisation’s activities, have robust significance scoring criteria, and a straight-forward method for identifying your significant aspects.
We can also provide a fresh pair of eyes for more mature aspects registers, reviewing and updating them to take account of changes in activities, compliance obligations, progress against objectives, etc., and ensuring aspects are re-evaluated accordingly to identify up-to-date significant aspects.
We found the service invaluable to ensure that all permit conditions were met before the regulatory visits. It allowed us to understand each condition within the permit, what to expect during the audit and to plan and implement all the advice the consultant gave us during the permitting support day. It was of great benefit to us and led to no permit non-conformances on our first official audit.
We identified that solvent use within the business needed further investigation to establish if we required an environmental permit. We put the problem to the consultant, and we received an answer and clear extraction of the legislation which explained why we didn’t need a permit at this point. We now have a clear understanding of the legislation, and through regular monitoring can ensure we remain within the law. The work carried out was clear, concise and worth every penny, and has saved the business time and money.
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