Legal Compliance Audits

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Practical support for organisations looking to manage their legal compliance obligations.

Our professional team of consultants offer independent, periodic compliance evaluations for both environment and health & safety.


We can carry out legal compliance audits that assess your compliance against all the legislation that applies to your organisation and identify any actions and areas for improvement.

Audit results will be recorded in your legal register, providing reassurance that you understand your duties under applicable law, and demonstrating your proactive approach to external auditors and other stakeholders.

This also helps your organisation meet its compliance obligations under current environment, energy and health & safety management systems standards including ISO 14001, ISO 50001 and ISO 45001.

Not only can our consultants provide auditing support, we can also use our knowledge and experience to help you work on any improvements needed to ensure you remain legally compliant.


Surface Transforms PLC
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We found the service invaluable to ensure that all permit conditions were met before the regulatory visits. It allowed us to understand each condition within the permit, what to expect during the audit and to plan and implement all the advice the consultant gave us during the permitting support day. It was of great benefit to us and led to no permit non-conformances on our first official audit.

Howells Railway Products
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We identified that solvent use within the business needed further investigation to establish if we required an environmental permit. We put the problem to the consultant, and we received an answer and clear extraction of the legislation which explained why we didn’t need a permit at this point. We now have a clear understanding of the legislation, and through regular monitoring can ensure we remain within the law. The work carried out was clear, concise and worth every penny, and has saved the business time and money.

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The training session was very informative. The training, explanations and documentation The Compliance People have provided for us has greatly increased our knowledge and awareness giving us a higher level of confidence to complete future PPC / SPRI submissions. I believe the training and documentation would be a major asset to anyone finding themselves in a similar situation.

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