We’re giving the Legislation Update Service dashboard a makeover! With new features and more customisation options, your dashboard will work harder for you.
Here’s what’s coming:
- Customise your dashboard
Click the Customise button to reorganise dashboard cards and columns, hide items you don’t need, and even add new columns. Tailor the layout to suit your preferences and keep what’s most important front and centre.
- New “Review Dates” cards
Keep track of the deadlines in your account with these new dashboard cards, showing the number of overdue, upcoming and unset review dates in both the Environment and Health & Safety legislation registers.
- Updated “Updates” cards
The Updates cards now show if the last month’s updates have been reviewed. A warning icon will appear for updates with no reviews, and counters display the total number of reviews for each update.
- Customisable PDF export
When exporting your dashboard to PDF you can now choose which data to include or exclude, making your exports as focussed and relevant as you need them to be.
For more information see our guide here.