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Are your premises compliant with no-smoking signage regulations?


Smoking has been banned in virtually all enclosed work and public places across the UK since 2007. Whilst each country applies similar restrictions to prohibit smoking to tackle preventable morbidity and death, the requirements for signage vary.


The Smoke-free (Signs) Regulations 2012 have relaxed requirements around no-smoking signs.

  • At least 1 legible no-smoking sign must still be displayed in smoke-free premises, but owners are free to decide the size, design and location of the sign.

N.B. the requirement for a sign to be placed at the entrance to a premises no longer applies.


The requirements remain stricter under the Smoke-free Premises and Vehicles (Wales) Regulations 2020.

  • The sign must contain a ‘no-smoking’ symbol with appropriate warning text in both English and Welsh.
  • The sign must be located at the main entrance to the premises. If there is more than one main entrance, a ‘no-smoking’ sign must be displayed at each of them.
  • School grounds, hospital grounds and public playgrounds must also display ‘no smoking’ signs in a prominent position.

Under The Prohibition of Smoking in Certain Premises (Scotland) Regulations 2006, signs must:

  • be a minimum size of 230mm by 160mm;
  • display the ‘no-smoking’ symbol (this must be at least 85mm in diameter);
  • display the name of the person to whom to report people smoking to;
  • be able to be seen and read by people in the premises and approaching the premises; and
  • be displayed in a way that is protected from tampering, damage, removal or concealment.

Northern Ireland

The Smoke-Free (Signs) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2007 require signs in smoke free buildings to:

  • be flat and at least 148mm by 210mm;
  • display the ‘no-smoking’ symbol;
  • contain the words ‘No smoking. It is against the law to smoke on these premises’; and
  • be displayed in a prominent position at each entrance to the smoke-free premises.

Entrances to smoke-free premises from other smoke-free premises, or secondary entrances to smoke-free premises used only by workers, may display the ‘no smoking’ symbol without wording.


A no-smoking sign is still required in all smoke free work vehicles in all jurisdictions.