
Home » Legal » Road Traffic Act 2024 (Commencement) (No. 2) Order 2024

Road Traffic Act 2024 (Commencement) (No. 2) Order 2024

Jurisdiction: Republic of Ireland

Commencement: 31st May 2024

Amends: Road Traffic Act 2024
Mini Summary

The Road Traffic Act 2024 applies to vehicles on public roads.

General requirements for vehicles

Part 2 sets out the general requirements for vehicles including maximum allowable weights, the requirement to weigh certain vehicles, vehicle permits, the requirement to test vehicles, and the powers of the Garda Síochána to examine, inspect and test vehicles.

Driving licences

Part 3 sets out information on the application, granting of and disqualification of driving licences. It also covers certificates of competency.

Speed limits

Part 4 outlines the speed limits that can be applied to public roads.


Part 5 sets out a series of driving offences. It is an offence to:

  • drive a vehicle when suffering from a disease (mental or physical) that diminishes the driver’s capacity to drive, or makes them a danger to others;
  • drive under the influence of an intoxicant (alcohol or drugs) to the extent they have improper control of the vehicle;
  • drive without due care and attention, or without reasonable consideration for others using that space;
  • drive at a speed or a manner in which is dangerous to the public;
  • drive when they are aware that a vehicular defect may make the vehicle a danger to the public; and
  • park in a manner that will likely cause danger to others.

Compulsory insurance of mechanically propelled vehicles

Part 6 sets out the obligation for drivers to be insured when driving a vehicle on a public road.

Control and Operation of Public Service Vehicles

Part 7 allows the Minister for Local Government (‘the Minister’) to make regulations concerning the control and operation of public service vehicles*.

*A public service vehicle is any vehicle used to transport a person for reward (i.e. payment).

Regulation of traffic

Part 8 establishes rules for the regulation and control of traffic and pedestrians in public places. This includes traffic signs and the prohibition of traffic from using footways.


Part 9 sets out notices and penalties for committing an offence. It also sets limits for continuous driving.

Various duties apply and are available to view on The Legislation Update Service.


Part 4 of the Road Traffic Act 2024 comes into force from the 31st May 2024. A person required to give a specimen of oral fluid to the Garda, under suspicion of an intoxicated driving offence, is required to remain at the location the specimen is given for up to 30 minutes.


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