Jurisdiction: Republic of Ireland
Commencement: 31st October 2022
Amends: New Legislation
These Regulations set out restrictions on the sale and distribution of solid fuels* and impose duties on producers and retailers of solid fuels.
*Solid fuels are solid substances, such as wood or coal, that are burned to produce heat.
These Regulations apply only to solid fuels intended to heat domestic or licensed premises.
Additionally, these Regulations revoke the Air Pollution Act (Marketing, Sale, Distribution and Burning of Specified Fuels) Regulations 2012 and some corresponding amendments, such as the:
- Air Pollution Act (Marketing, Sale, Distribution and Burning of Specified Fuels) (Amendment) Regulations 2015.
- Air Pollution (Fixed Payment Notice) Regulations 2015.
- Air Pollution Act (Marketing, Sale, Distribution and Burning of Specified Fuels) (Amendment) Regulations 2016.
- Air Pollution Act 1987 (Registration of Fuel Bagging Operators and Suppliers, and Marketing, Sale, Distribution and Burning of Specified Fuels) (Amendment) Regulations 2016.
- Air Pollution Act (Marketing, Sale, Distribution and Burning of Specified Fuels) (Amendment) Regulations 2020.
Various duties apply.
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